Baton Rouge, LA, USA

Top 10 Beauty Products You Need To Try

I have an addiction. 

I'm going to admit, it's a pretty big problem to cope with. 
I mean seriously...trying not to buy every new product in Sephora does take some serious strength and dedication💅
Am I right?! 
 On that note, because I've tried every product in the book it seems, I have picked my top 10 (so far) that I am currently loving! 
Keep reading below to see what I love & why :) 
top 10 beauty products you need to try in 2017

top 10 beauty products you need to try in 2017

top 10 beauty products you need to try in 2017

top 10 beauty products you need to try in 2017

top 10 beauty products you need to try in 2017

top 10 beauty products you need to try in 2017

top 10 beauty products you need to try in 2017

top 10 beauty products you need to try in 2017

top 10 beauty products you need to try in 2017


1. Paula's Choice Resist 10% Niacinamide Booster
I tried this product on a whim because I was hearing great reviews about it from other people with skin like mine (acne, acne scars, oily, big pores, texture). And let me just say HOLY COW this is a game changer you guys! It improved the texture of my skin SO much. All the little bumps and unevenness were gone and my skin started to feel more smooth and soft. However it didn't really improve how oily my skin was :/ But it helped with lightening scars, and brightening my skin as well. I definitely recommend this!

2. Glamglow Supermud Face Mask
Again, if you have problem skin like mine, you will love this face mask! It tightens pores, clears up acne, and brightens my skin. I have bought this multiple times and will continue to repurchase it.

3. Foreo Face Cleansing Device
I have been using this product for only a short amount of time now, but love it! It gets all my makeup up off and keeps my skin feeling clean. I recently purchased THIS device, and am currently loving it as well, so we shall see which is better! I may do a review on it or a comparison of the two in another post :)

4. Neulash Lash Growing Serum
I get a ton of questions about my eyelashes and what I do to make the so long and this is a one of my secrets! Lol. It truly helps, but does take a few weeks to see a difference, so you have to stay consistent using it!

5. Alterna Caviar Heat Protectant Spray
This is my favorite heat protectant by far. Over any! It also smells good lol. I spray it on before I curl or straighten my hair.

6. Donna Karan Deodorant
I know I know, it's a little pricey, but SO worth it. I am addicted to the smell, ugh its amazing. It's a really different smell but so addicting at the same time! Lol. And it lasts ALL DAY!

7. Ouai Texturizing Hair Spray
This is a product that I really like but don't lovveeeeeee. If that makes sense haha. It smells so good an texturizes my hair, but is not what I call "hair spray". When I think of hair spray I think it's going to help my hair stay in place or hold a curl, and this product doesn't do that. BUT it does texturize & thicken my hair! Plus smells good, so I'm sold! Lol.

8. It's A 10 Miracle Leave-In Plus Keratin
In LOVE. This is something I have repurchased over and over again. It has helped my hair grow so much and straighten + strengthen! You will love this. I am definitely considering buying THIS from the brand as well!

This smell is SO good y'all. SO GOOD. Especially when it kinda wears off. Definitely going to buy the bigger bottle once I run out of the smaller spray. 

10. Oribe Dry Texturizing Spray
I took forever to buy this product and wonder now why I ever waited so long. It. Is. Awesome. Truly texturizes, and has a really unique smell that I love! My hair is super silky after it's washed and dried so I really need a good texturizer to help thicken my hair up so I can tease it!


I hope this helps you make some decisions or try new things the next time you're in Sephora on a spending spree! Haha.
See you on Friday for a look I love & think you will too💗

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